7 July 2013
WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 is OVER!
WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 Closing Ceremony
The 42nd WorldSkills Competition has come to a thrilling end at the Liepziger Messe SAMSUNG Arena in Leipzig Germany.
The week-long celebration and showcase of skills brought together the finest young professionals in skilled trades and technologies from 52 Member countries/regions. Approximately 1,000 Competitors in 46 skills, ranging from Graphic Design Technology to CNC Turning, vied for the gold medals and awards over four days of Competition. The roar of an enthused international crowd filled the arena with every medal announcement. Total number of people in attendance for the event, including the Competition, Opening, and Closing Ceremonies was close to 200,000. With over 1,000 accredited media.
The Albert Vidal Award is presented to the Competitor who earned the highest score overall. For the first time in history there was a tie. Recipients were Shinpei Utsunomiya of Japan and Hyun Woom Won of Korea.
Korea led the medal count at WorldSkills Leipzig, winning 23 medals. Fifty-two Best of Nation medallions were awarded to the top Competitor in each country or region.
Prior to handing the WorldSkills flag to São Paulo organizers for the 43rd WorldSkills Competition in 2015, Simon Bartley, President of WorldSkills International was overwhelmed by the WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 Competition team and supporters. "You have done a brilliant job and deserve every congratulations."