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3 December 2012

Inaugural WorldSkills Trinidad and Tobago Competition 2012


By Anesha Caruth-Walcott

Trinidad and Tobago, the 61st Member of WorldSkills International, held its inaugural National Competition during the period 4-20 October 2012 in Automobile Technology, Commercial Food Preparation, Restaurant Service, IT Network Systems Administration, Fashion Technology, Graphic Design, Hairdressing, Web Design, Electrical Installation, Wall and Floor Tiling and Joinery.

The Competition proved to be a fantastic and rewarding experience in terms of showcasing the innovation and creativity of talented young Competitors as they displayed their knowledge and understanding in the various skill areas. It was an excellent avenue for WorldSkills Trinidad and Tobago (WSTT) to raise the awareness of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Trinidad and Tobago as an attractive career opportunity which will in turn contribute directly to national productivity and an improved economy.

Mrs Elphege Joseph, CEO of the National Training Agency (NTA) and Chairman of the Caribbean Association of National Training Agencies (CANTA) was very pleased with the level of competition and the partnerships created with key stakeholders and commented:

“It is anticipated that this National Competition will further inspire individuals to become more involved in a Technical and Vocational field. The partnerships forged will be reflected in the development of our present and future workforce which, no doubt, is a major strategy in supporting the economic sustainability efforts of Trinidad and Tobago.”