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12 October 2020

General Assembly 2020 moves online

The main General Assembly 2020 sessions will take place on 13 and 14 October in online sessions.

WorldSkills General Assembly will be very different this year, but the decisions about WorldSkills International, and the direction we take, are more important than ever.

Dublin, Ireland, was the original destination for the annual meeting of WorldSkills Members, but the realities of COVID-19 meant adjusting to a virtual version for the skills leaders from over 80 countries and regions to gather this year. The in-person sessions will be held in Ireland in 2022.

The main General Assembly 2020 sessions will take place on 13 and 14 October.

Side meetings have been happening in the weeks leading up to the official General Assembly, such as Skills Development in Africa and the MarCom Working Group. The week before the General Assembly, sessions were held by the Competitions Committee and Strategic Development Committee.

The General Assembly 2020 will use a customized voting system, developed by WorldSkills International, to allow both transparency in open voting and anonymity on closed decisions.

It will follow the WorldSkills Constitution, with each Member having a single vote on each poll, to be cast by one of their Delegates.

Technical Delegates voted in the Competitions Committee meeting and Official Delegates on the Strategic Development Committee and the main General Assembly meetings.