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29 January 2013

Continuing improvements being made to WorldSkills standards specifications.

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Assessment Adviser, Jenny Shackleton, and Skill Advisers, Geoff Ball and Tapio Kattainen are leading the way in assessment for the WSC.

By WorldSkills International 

In our skills competitions we have a unique asset.

With the pace of economic global change it is imperative that we harmonize and enhance this asset in order to position WorldSkills as the “go to” place to observe and learn from global best practice in technical and vocational standards and performance.

Over the last six months an assessment and standards project has addressed three key action goals related to Technical Descriptions, Test Projects and assessment practices. Through a series of consultation workshops consensus has been reached on the nature of the WorldSkills Standards Specification from which best practice in skills competition can be derived, in association with leading global industry and business.

The Competition Preparation Week represented a milestone in establishing an awareness of the project and endorsing short and medium term steps towards consistent, exemplary practice. As the documentation and the procedures follow, so experienced and new Member Countries/Regions alike will have benchmarks against which to review and drive forward their technical and vocational training systems to suit future economic, business and social needs.

Observers can expect to see planned, rapid gains in professional practice across the WorldSkills community with resulting beneficial effects for Competitors and all those who look forward to visiting future WorldSkills Competitions.