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Car Painting

Car Painting in action

Restoring a damaged vehicle to its original finish, matching colours, shades, and textures exactly, in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Car Painting could be for you if you like:

  • Craftsmanship
  • Fixing things
  • Using tools

More about Car Painting

Vehicles scratched, dented, or damaged in accidents must be returned to the road in showroom condition, with the repaired areas exactly matching the rest of the exterior colour and quality. It could be said that the greatest tribute to a good car painter is when they have finished you cannot see what they have done.

Car painters need to demonstrate great skills in matching paints with the original colour, or on occasion repainting the vehicle in a completely new colour. They must also apply these paints, undercoats and sealants in an environmentally safe and healthy work environment.

Our partners

The coatings division of BASF is a global expert in the development, production and marketing of sustainable automotive OEM and refinish coatings. For Glasurit, BASF’s Coatings division, supporting the car painting skills category is one of our sustainable contributions to make young talents aware and excited about the spray painting profession.

Occupational Standard

The WorldSkills Occupational Standard specifies the knowledge, understanding and specific skills that underpin international best practice in technical and vocational performance. It should reflect a shared global understanding of what the associated work role(s) or occupation(s) represent for industry and business.

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